Southwest HVAC News
Winsupply names
Winsupply San Antonio Tx Co. Company of the Year, others by
industry categories.
Winsupply Inc., one of the nation’s largest wholesalers, has
named Winsupply San Antonio Tx Co., its overall Company of the
Year. Each year, Winsupply recognizes its top performing
companies in plumbing, heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC),
industrial, electrical, waterworks, pumps, turf irrigation, and
fire fabrication.
top performing companies, locations and presidents in their
respective industries plus individual award winners include:
Overall: Winsupply San Antonio Tx Co., C.J. Hooper,
Plumbing: Central Oklahoma Winnelson Co., Keith R. Jones,
HVAC: Winsupply Houston Tx Co., Jason Greagrey, president
Industrial: Thomas Pipe, a Winsupply Co. (Ariz.), Whalen
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Electrical: Odessa Winlectric Co. (Texas),
Carl R. Long, president
Waterworks: Kansas City Winwater Co. (Mo.), Scott Wilson,
Fire Fab: Newburgh Windustrial Supply Co. (N.Y.), James B.
Lucas, president
Pumps: Winsupply Lubbock Tx Co., Blake R. Talkmitt, president
Turf Irrigation: Wyatt Irrigation, a Winsupply Co. (Santa
Rosa, Calif.), Scott Leytem, president
Turn-Around: Winsupply E Houston – MSI (Texas), Jeff Walker,
Rookie of the Year:Winsupply W Phoenix (Ariz.), Allen White,
Digital: Winsupply San Antonio Tx Co., C.J. Hooper, president
TOP ROI: Windsor Winair Co. (Conn.), Glen Baskin, president
WSS: Portland Winair Co. (Conn.), Keith Kruysman, president
“I am so proud of the leaders and teams of this year’s winning
companies,” said Rob Ferguson, president of Winsupply Local Company
Group. “The entrepreneurial spirit these companies show is amazing,
especially with the continued disruption in our industry. I am very
proud to consider myself part of the Winsupply Family and part of
each of these amazing local companies.”
All of the winning companies are members of the Winsupply Family of
About Winsupply Inc.
Winsupply is in the business of creating and enabling entrepreneurs
to achieve their dreams through wholesale distribution. We call this
“The Spirit of Opportunity,” and it motivates each and every
business decision that is made.
As one of America’s leading suppliers of materials for residential
and commercial construction, Winsupply Inc. owns a majority equity
stake in more than 660 local companies across the United States.
Collectively, Winsupply is known as "The Winsupply Family of
Companies" and includes Win-branded locations, Noland Company, Carr
Supply, APCO, and other acquired regional suppliers.
Contractors across America rely on Winsupply to provide business
solutions and materials in plumbing and heating; hydronics; pipes,
valves and fittings; HVAC and refrigeration; electrical; fastening
hardware; waterworks and utility; pumps; turf irrigation and
landscape; and fire system fabrication. Follow Winsupply on Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.